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The tournament for Floorball and Volleyball
will take place at Ekeberghallen.


The stadium are easily accessible by bus from the city center. 


Venue for the Meet&Greet and the Afterparty
is to be deviced - stay tuned!


FRIDAY 2nd of May​

Meet & Greet 


Time: 20.00 - 22.00

Location: To be decided


Come say hi to your fellow players, meet the hosts, have a meal or a drink in an informal setting.


No registration needed.  


SATURDAY 3rd of May


Floorball & Volleyball Tournament


Time: 08.30 - 17.00

Location: Ekeberghallen


Doors to the venue will open at 08.30, first matches will 

start at 09.00. Be there on time, so that you have time for 



​Lunch will be served, and a makeshift cafeteria will be open for light bites, drinks and snacks. 




Time: 20.00 - late

Location: To be decided


Doors open at 20.00. The medal ceremony will be held around 21.00, so please be there on time. Also be aware that there is no dinner served.

You will need to present your tournament-ticket for entrance to this event. 


From around 22 the DJ will take over and you can dance the night away with your teammates and maybe some new acquaintances.


From 23 the doors will be open to the public. 



Hotel Deal 


Discounted Hotelrooms at @ SmartHotel Oslo
Location: St.Olavs Gate 26, 0166 Oslo


Use discount code: RaballderCUP. Then you get 30% discount on accommodation in the desired room category - breakfast included.

Use this link for you booking


Alternatively, call +47 415 36 508 or send an email to and refer to the discount to raballdercup.


Recommend booking a room quickly as it is a very popular weekend in Oslo.

Smarthotel Oslo

© 2025, Raballder Cup.

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